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Inhabiting the Ground of Being
"The Realization Process is a way of uncovering an experience of this very subtle consciousness that we actually can experience pervading our whole body. We experience that and we transcend that individuality at the same time. We experience oneness, this ground of being, pervading our own body, and everything around us. So, in other words, our consciousness becomes subtle enough to pervade all of ... posted on Oct 19 2021, 3,093 reads


A River Reawakened
"In September 2011, I stood on a river overlook with children from my daughters elementary school, all of us transfixed by a giant jackhammer pounding cement to rubble. Below us, a waterfall raged through the first notch carved in the Lower Elwha Dam, as dust rose in the September sunshine, drifting over Douglas fir and cedar crowns. Trees were the only spectators old enough to remember when the E... posted on Oct 18 2021, 3,580 reads


Soul Biographies: Nic Askew
Creator of Soul Biographies, Nic Askew's life took an unexpected turn in 2005 when a lucid daydream to pick up a film camera and use it in a profound fashion consumed him and dissolved any internal doubt. He describes this moment as one of "knowing" what he just had to do, as opposed to "believing" or "wanting" something.
Since that day, Nic has used this camera to capture bare human prese... posted on Oct 17 2021, 4,580 reads


Touch as Nutrition
Is it any coincidence that when a friend or loved one does something nice for us, we feel "touched"? As John Tuite, founder of The Centre for Embodied Wisdom, tells us, "We mistakenly think that touch occurs on the periphery of our self, a skin thing." But as he shares, touch is a crucial piece of our health and development, and one we all too often go without as we get older. ... posted on Oct 16 2021, 45,269 reads


Falling Through Our Stories
On a 1995 trip to Peru, Jolanda van den Berg's heart was captured by the street children of Cusco. Six months later she left her home in Amsterdam and moved to Peru for good.Over the last 25 years, her work has supported thousands of vulnerable children through a network of unconventional programs.Six years ago in the immediate aftermath of a traumatic event, Jolanda experienced a profound dissolu... posted on Oct 15 2021, 4,808 reads


Aura Glaser: Moments of Beauty
"There are obviously so many ways of talking about beauty because it is one of the great mysteries. Beauty is truth, beauty is radiance -- and everything radiates its own beauty and aliveness in a way that does not require anything from anyone. It is beauty in and of itself. I think that when we experience beauty, we are experiencing the timelessness within ourselves." 'Dharma coyote'-turned-photo... posted on Oct 14 2021, 3,471 reads


The Spirit of Yes
"When was the last time you were completely and joyfully astonished? What was your last amazing surprise? How often do you feel filled to the brim with "yes?" In the midst of a growing tide of chaos and anxiety, many of us retreat into the comfort of predictability. Routines turn into ruts. The miracles of our days pass by un-cherished. Surprise rarely pays us a call. Or if it does, we don't bothe... posted on Oct 13 2021, 7,582 reads


Change Happens at the Edge of Our Comfort Zone
"When we isolate our tension and explore the feeling of space, or energy, then at some point, we reach the edge of our comfort zone. At the edge of our comfort zone, we have the possibility to change... In the process of change, the whole body starts to open up -- it starts to express itself as a whole. When we make a decision to step into the wholeness of the body, then conflict will dissolve in ... posted on Oct 12 2021, 3,234 reads


Health & Justice: The Path of Liberation Through Medicine
"I am the mother of two beautiful mixed heritage boys. I am a farmers wife. I am a physician who works in adult medicine, witnessing societys ills manifest in my patients bodies, a doctor who sees racism and state violence as urgent public health issues. I am a touring musician who has played in 29 different countries singing in 5 different languages with my band Rupa & the April Fishes. And to us... posted on Oct 11 2021, 3,806 reads


I Want to Raise Questions: A Conversation with Hung Liu
"The reality today is that it's a quick, changing world. So many things are going on. But still, overall you have to anchor yourself. I still believe in my paintings. I still want to do my painting stroke by stroke. I still want to find some truth through the process. It's not simple. The good thing about being an artist is that I can use my work to transform something -- to reach, so I can raise ... posted on Oct 10 2021, 1,488 reads


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Quote Bulletin

The whale is endangered, while the ant continues to do just fine.
Bill Vaughn

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